Beyond the constraint imposed by the ‚Dogma‘, there are several dimensions that are addressed in this series: singularity, iteration and association. The singularity is performed by the color blue. It represents a personal tribute regarding the relationship between Crespel and Tiphaine. Moreover it represents a tribute to the great masters, such as Henri Matisse, Jaques Monory, Yves Klein. By using only the blue color the artistic couple avoid habits and force the gesture to surpass itself. The iteration is shown by the utilization of repetitive motifs and imagery. Crespel has used her shots recurrently in multiple variations. Finally, the association plays an important role of every art work. The process of association transcends the translation and representation of the art work or the imagery. The figurative association of image contents is bound to the Crespel and Tiphaine’s personal relationship.
The dogma of Ligne Bleue Zurich Act 2 seems restraining and asks for renunciation, but at the same time stimulates the creativity, leverages and forces the artists to reach the essence.
Tania Di Brita