The shape of the artwork The Secret presents the viewpoint through a key hole. It gives the viewer the true voyeuristic perspective on a private situation. Through the narrow hole an unknown protagonist is indicating the viewer to be quiet by placing his index finger on his mouth, as if there was a hidden secret. The Affair reveals a couple who is having an intimate moment in secret, with the suggestion of an affair. The Heist, presented through a window. Behind the glass a heist is taking place and the viewer becomes a witness of the robbery in the closed museum. Looking at the artwork entitled The Ritual the viewer can see through a temple window. A glimpse of an occult ritual is recognizable, which is usually seen only by the cult members. The artwork entitled The Yard stands for the graffiti culture. The perspective is taken through an another train’s window. A graffiti writer is in the middle of a night mission to create a graffiti, where he is about to be caught red handed.
AKACORLEONE is known for his dexterity and versatility in the usage of colours and materials. Connecting and combining typography, characters, and refined shapes he develops eye-catching compositions. Behind the exhibited artworks and series there is always a solid concept, in which the artist asks important questions about social change. In case of Voyeur he portrays the relation to private and public scenes and examines the shift of private content that is shared publicly more often than maybe requested? #toomuchinformation
Tania di Brita