Essentially Faux Pas, as the title of the exhibition suggests, was created through the desire to leave the comfort zone in search for a new technique that would encourage experimentation through trial and error. Therefore, the process of that artistic learning experience is the main focus of the creations. The physical outcomes – the artworks – are the evidence related to the artist’s journey, where error was not only welcome but also provoked and accepted in peace.
On first sight the tile artworks appear independent in their aesthetics, but looking closer they reveal a certain association to AKACORLEONE’s holistic oeuvre regarding composition, style, visual language and choice of colour. The works in the Faux Pas exhibition are complemented by comics as well as vintage advertising elements and shift from tile to tile between figuration, superposition and abstraction. In contrast to his usual working practice, he consciously chooses a manual, artisanal and somehow intuitive approach.